Saturday, 6 April 2013

Saturday 6th April (Week 27 (2 Weeks to go!))

Well it's been 10 weeks since I last blogged; a lot has happened since then, not so much in terms of running but so so..

I have done a half marathon though; not much training prior to it, just a few 10 mile runs here and there. Was tough but I made it through! I never realised Fordcombe hill was so steep! Anyway, here you go:

Route for Sunday Week 21 (TW Half Marathon): 13.39 miles, 114 mins 56 seconds.
Estimated Marathon Completion Time: 5 hours (ish).

Over-the-moon to have finished the half marathon in under 2 hours with very little training. I originally promised after I had done it, that I would push myself to train at least once a week to be ready for the full marathon. This hasn't happened AT ALL. But I have been on a few 10 mile (or so) runs recently but nothing that'll actually prepare me fully for the big day. Here are a couple of recent ones:

Route for Saturday Week 25: 11.01 miles, 95 mins.
Estimated Marathon Completion Time: 5 hours.

Route for Saturday Week 26: 11.26 miles, 120 mins.
Estimated Marathon Completion Time: 105 hours.

These runs have either been ridiculously easy or ridiculously painful and boring. Let's hope I have a good day on the 21st!

Paddock Wood half tomorrow morning... pretty nervous! AND they don't allow headphones - apparently I'll get disqualified. Balls. Wish me luck!

Also, with only 14 days to go, I'd like to make a plea to all people who haven't sponsored us yet (or if you have and would like to sponsor us again!). It's for a great cause and we are not far off of our target amount now - this is the how much it costs to run the Hospice for 1 DAY. 

Hopefully I'll get a chance to update you all tomorrow to let you know if I make it around Paddock Wood or not.

Peace out.

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