Another trip to Nottingham though which was FUNNN; I saw Father Christmas, his reindeer and a lady ironing steak and ate my weight's worth of wagamama's, pizza express and roast dinners. I did take my running gear with me but didn't manage a run - mainly due to the shitty feeling in my belly.
But I digress...
Here is a hilarious shot of a reindeer and a photo of Father Christmas and his "helpers":
We also went to a Performance Art evening which was interesting to say the least. There was a cheap bar, a room where you had to throw shots of white lightning at cardboard triangles, a lady with a standing outside with a cone on her head, people drawing, a band who faced backwards but had masks on the back of their heads, a man playing a banjolele singing about werewolves, a lady forcing herself to drink salty milk so she threw up everywhere whilst staring at the audience and forcing them to eat gingerbread, and my favourite: a lady dancing and ironing steak. Her she is in all her glory:
Back to the running...
Today I thought I'd struggle but not too bad. Back to the usual 5 or so miles. Need to keep on top of it this week! The trainers are doing wonders for my feet it seems.
Route for Monday Week 7: 4.78 miles, 45 minutes.
Estimated Marathon Completion Time: Maybe under 6 hours
PIZZA EXPRESS? mate, it was Zizzi.